Monsieur Beaucaire

I was a fool. I should've come here before.
I might have known you'd
be here for the wedding.

You might have known? Of course.
Your mistress, a woman of her station. Where
else would she go but to the royal wedding?

Yes. The royal wedding.
We're not going to let this stupid
display of pomp interfere with us, are we?

I'm afraid I must go now. No, never.
But my mistress... I have a coach
waiting. We'll leave tonight.

That's impossible. Nothing's
impossible if you love me.

Oh, I do, I do.
My mistress! Please go quickly!
Meet me here at midnight.

No, please go. Midnight?
Yes, yes. Only go.
The king's emissary.
The king will receive the duke now.
Ah, yes. Tell His Majesty we're on our way.
You bet we're on our way... in the
opposite direction. No. Find the duke.

Bring him back. I'll try
and delay the proceedings.

You delay the proceedings.
I'll see you in about a month.

I never thought I'd
have a chance like this.

Strong wind.
He must have recovered.
There's His Grace now. Oh.
