Hey! Ho hi hi hi!
Chihuahua steers.
- Howdy.
- Howdy.
My name's Clanton.
This is my boy Ike. My oldest boy.
Any sweet water up beyond?
Yeah, two, three miles,
straight up the trail.
Cattle look pretty scrawny.
Me and my brothers were
trailin' 'em on to California.
If you ain't got 'em committed to no
shipper, I'll take 'em off your hands.
Not interested.
Make you a good offer.
Pay you in silver, three dollars a head.
Might raise it
to five dollars silver.
Made more than that in Mexico.
They'll be a sorry-lookin' lot
by the time they get to California, son.
They'll feed out
when we get to grass country.
Sure is rough-lookjn'country.
Ain't no cow country.
Mighty different where I come from.
- What do they call this place?
- Just over the rise there...
big town called Tombstone.
- A fine town.
- Tombstone?
Yeah, I heard of it.
Well, me and my brothers
might... ride in there tonight.
Get ourselves a shave, maybe.
Glass of beer.
Yeah, you would enjoy yourself.
Wide awake,
wide open town-- Tombstone.
Get anything you want there.
Thank you.