Hey, barber!
What kind of a town is this?
Well, Luke,
you know your duty.
You and your marshals
go on in there and get him out.
That's Indian Charlie
in there, drunk...
and I ain't commitin'
suicide on myself.
- Me neither.
- No, sir. I ain't a-goin' in there.
What kind of town is this anyway?
Excuse me, ma'am.
A man can't get a shave
without getting his head blowed off.
You're the marshal?
Go get that drunk Indian outta there.
Why don't you go in
and get him out yourself?
- They ain't payin' me for it.
- And they ain't payin' me enough either.
Young man, you be careful!
It's all right, ladies.
I don't blame ol' Luke.
I wouldn't go in there either.
What kind of a town is this anyway?
Selling liquor to Indians.