Dad, take Mr. Thorndyke
over to the Bird Cage.
Bird cage?
You're incarcerating me
in a bird cage, sir?
- That's the name of the theater.
- The theater?
The show.
Good heavens!
The show must go on.
Lead on.
Drinks on the house!
iEnchiladas! iCon cerveza!
iCon cerveza!
What happened
I got it workin'
good now, Doc.
- Chair.
- What?
Barber chair. New. Try it.
May I present
my friend Wyatt Earp.
- Him? A friend?
- " He," not him.
Well, he or him,
he ain't no friend of mine.
What she's trying to say, Doc,
is, uh, we've met before.