Quiet! Quiet!
Shut up!
Look, Yorick.
Can't you give us
nothing but them poems?
I have a very large
repertoire, sir.
Great. All right, Yorick.
Go ahead. Shoot.
Minstrel, pray help me.
I wanna hear this.
Thank you.
To be, or not to be:
that is the question.
Whether 'tis nobler
in the mind...
to suffer the slings and arrows
of outrageous fortune...
or to take arms
against a sea of troubles...
and by opposing end them?
To die, to sleep,
no more.
And by a sleep,
to say we end the he artaches...
and the thousand natural shocks
that flesh is heir to...
'tis a consummation
devoutly to be wish'd.
To die, to sleep.
To sleep,
per chance to dream.
Ay, there's the rub...
for in that sleep of death,
what dreams may come...
when we have shuffled off
this mortal coil--
That's enough!
That's enough!
You don't know nothin'
but them poems.
You can't sing.
Maybe you can dance.
Leave Him alone.
Please go on,
Mr. Thorndyke.