My Darling Clementine

Doc's gone.
He's left town.
He was goin' to Mexico and...

take me with him.
He was gonna marry me.
Well, you're leavin' too.
What's the matter,
Miss Carter?

I think it's just a common
case of hysteria, Marshal.

- Oh, it is, is it?
- What are you doin' here?

- None of your business!
- Why don't you behave yourself?

- Go on back where you belong.
- I'm not gettin' out
till she leaves town!

Why, do you want me to take
you over my knee and spank you?

You take your hands off me!
Leave me alone.

What do you know about it anyway?
What do you know about Doc and me?

We was going to Mexico
and get married.

Yes, he was gonna marry me,
till this Miss Milkface...

comes pussy footin'
along and--

- Where'd you get that?
- Doc gave it to me.

- Where do you think I got it?
- You ain't lyin'?

Why should I lie about it?
He gives me everything I've got!

I got a whole roomful
of stuff down there!

Keep your door locked,
Miss Carter.

See that this wildcat stays in her room,
will ya? And tell Virg to stick around.

What's up?
Doc Holliday.
Where's Holliday?
He came in about a half an hour ago,
got his saddle bags...
