Well, Miss Allenby,
I won fairly and squarely...
and next week
you'll become Mrs. Barry Lanfield.
You should've taken that
five-length handicap I offered you.
I'm glad I didn't, Barry. You see, I...
I didn't really want to wait
till next December.
You didn't?
LATHAM: You see?
They're woman's footprints,
Inspector. There's no doubt.
She came along the meadow, and
probably went through this hedge.
You know, that fellow
might've been telling the truth...
about a female werewolf attacking him.
PIERCE: Stop that nonsense
about a werewolf attacking.
LATHAM: Sorry, Inspector.
- Can we get through this brush?
- Here's a spot, sir.
PIERCE: We'll have a look on the other side.
LATHAM: Let me help you, sir. Thank you.
Here we go.
What's the matter, Phyllis?
You look frightened.
Those voices startled me.
Shall we go?
Yes, now that we have an audience,
the spell is broken.
We seem to have interrupted
a romantic moment.
When I was courting my missus,
we used to go horseback riding.
- Did you?
- Yeah.
Then we got married, and she refused
to go near a horse from that moment.
She only pretended to like riding
until she got me well-hooked.
When you finish mooning
about your courting days...
perhaps we can get on
with the business in hand.
I'm sorry, Inspector. Come on.
You look very thoughtful.
I have many things on my mind.
After all, I'm to be a bride next week.
That's not what's troubling you.
Are you upset because of
what the constables were saying?
Frankly, I am.
It's not a very comfortable feeling...
to know that such weird things
are taking place...
in the park so close to where one lives.
Certainly you don't believe those
newspaper stories about werewolves?
That's just sensational trash...
the sort of thing one reads
in penny dreadfuls...
if one reads penny dreadfuls.
- You don't read them, do you?
- Of course not.