I think I'll go now.
How far do you think
you'll get?
The nearest foxhole maybe.
They'll be watching my hotel- all sorts of people.
What's your name?
Taylor. George Taylor.
It's all over town.
I may run for dogcatcher.
Look, I've gotta
talk to somebody.
I'll go crazy
if I don't talk to somebody.
I'm somebody.
I think you are.
What do you know
about amnesia?
Not much. Something
that happens to you.
You forget who you are
or where you belong.
- Isn't that it?
- Yeah.
Every now and then you read about it
in the newspaper-
a guy named John Doe
was picked up in a fog.
Never happens
to anybody you know.
It happened to me.
Yeah. For all I know,
I might have been born six months ago.
That's a joke because six months ago
I woke up in a hospital.
That's where babies
are born, in a hospital.
Only this was different. It was in the South Pacific,
and it wasn't the maternity ward.
My jaw was wired.
I couldn't talk.
I couldn't ask who I was.
I- I nearly went nuts.
Then I found my wallet.
There was a letter in it. No name. No signature.
Just a letter.
It told me about myself.
It told me good.
From then on I lived
with that letter.
It went around in my head like a crazy squirrel
on a hopped-up treadmill.
I was scared,
and I was sick.
Sick to my heart at what
the letter said I was like...
and scared of anybody
finding it out.
Scared I'd find it out myself.
I didn't want to know anymore.
So I kept my mouth shut.
I got away with it,
got my discharge.
And I thought maybe I could start
with a brand-new scorepad.
But you can't just
throw away-
How many years of living?
I don't even know.