I asked him if he knew
a man I was looking for.
After that, he set me up with the two characters
that chased me to Christy's room.
Who was the man
you were looking for?
Name's Larry Cravat.
He's beginning to bore me.
Larry Cravat. That's funny.
I think I know it, but I can't place it.
- What does he do?
- I don't know.
Whatever he does,
he seems to keep pretty busy.
Why are you
looking for him?
- I just want to find him.
- Private reasons?
They're good enough.
Well, anyway, there are two of us
looking for him now.
- There are more than two of us, Mr. Phillips.
- The police, for instance?
- Maybe.
- Any reason why we can't go ask them?
They might want to know
who's asking and why.
Which takes us back
to the private reasons.
Look, Taylor.
If I go to the police, and I probably will...
- don't worry about my bringing you into it.
- I appreciate that.
I could put you in touch with a friend of mine.
He's a police lieutenant.
His name is Kendall. He's an all right guy.
He'd keep it off the record.
Thanks just the same.
Do what you can though,
will you, Mel?
- You know I will, Chris.
- That's my boy.
You'll have me believing that.
Look out.
So long, Taylor.
So long, Mr. Phillips.
Not at all.
Good luck.
Good night, Chris.
- Well?
- He's a nice guy.
That's the only kind
I know.
Except me.
- I'll go get some sheets for that couch.
- I can't stay here.
Why not?
I, uh, won't need any sheets.
This'll do fine.
Well, then,
I'll see you in the morning.
Don't forget to look under your bed,
lock your door.
I'll do that.