Somewhere in the Night

- You've seen Christy around the Cellar.
- Yeah. Sure. How are ya?

And this is the friend I called you about.
Tom Carter.

- Tom, meet Lieutenant Kendall.
- Hello, Lieutenant.

Hiya, Carter.
Hey. That stuff'll kill ya.
Say, I know what's
strange about you.

You've got your hat off.
It's hard for me to believe you're a detective.

You're kidding,
but I get that on the level all the time.

It's almost impossible to make a pinch
without your hat on.

They just won't believe ya.
Well, that's the movies, I guess.

If they'd only make pictures where detectives
would take their hats off indoors...

just like anybody else.
I was wondering, Don, whether you could
give Tom here some information.

Tom Carter, wasn't it?
What about?

Would you know anything
about a fella named Larry Cravat?

- Quite a bit. Would you?
- Not a thing.

Pal of mine in the service asked me
to look him up about a personal matter.

This, uh, pal of yours
in the service-

I suppose he was killed
before he could tell you very much about Cravat.

- That's right.
- Oh, that's too bad.

- You know where he can be reached?
- If we did, lady...

maybe we'd reach for him.
No, he dropped out of sight
quite a while ago.

We did a lot of lookin',
but since it was impossible to believe...

that he was any smarter than us,
we decided he'd been bumped off.

Now, if you'd have asked me that
two days ago, I'd have guaranteed that.

What happened since two days ago
to change it?

Yesterday an ex-soldier, named George Taylor...
showed up at a bank
with a letter from Cravat.

That's why I asked you
whether your pal was dead.

He acted like-
He acted like he didn't
want any part of the place.

Hasn't been back to his hotel room since.
It's interesting, you know?

You said if you knew where Cravat was
you might reach for him.

- Is it all right to tell us why?
- Oh, sure. It's no secret.

When Cravat faded out,
two million dollars faded with him.

It was all over town at the time.
Didn't you know about it?

I never knew anybody that could count that high.
That pal of yours,
the one that got killed...

he didn't have
a couple million dollars stashed away?

Sure. Lots of us did.
We save it out of our 60 a month.

I'm not impressed. I make that much
in tips on Monday night.
