Somewhere in the Night

Please, sit down.
What do I get?
My palm read or my horoscope?

Let us use cards, Mr. Taylor.
Let us place them face up on the table.

In this case,
an imitation crystal ball.

I'll listen
for a while.

At the present time, young man,
I am nothing more than a small-time chiseler.

I say this frankly and bitterly
because I do not wish to be a small-time chiseler.

It's a humiliating position.
Still, it's better than being an honest man,
which I would find intolerable.

I was once a great thief
and a magnificent scoundrel.

I had my reverses.
Who has not?

And I will omit the story of my descent
to my present squalid condition.

It would only bore you
and incriminate me.

I waited and worked day and night
for a chance to come back.

Three years ago
I had that chance in my hands.

I had-
Name a fantastic sum of money,
Mr. Taylor.

Two million dollars.
You've put one of your cards
alongside mine.

Thank you.
As my hands closed on it,
the money disappeared like that.

And with it,
a Mr. Larry Cravat.

So, understand my position.
For three years
I have lived in this stink...

waiting for some hope,
some word.

And yesterday it came.
From a Turkish bath,
from a nightclub.

I approached you.
You were reluctant.

You wouldn't say
why you were looking for him.

You didn't know
why he wrote to you...

why the $5,000 deposit-
not even where he was.

Mr. Taylor, I had to make you understand
that there was nothing I would not do...

to find Larry Cravat!
I got the idea.
I understood it the second time I passed out.

But I can't help you, Anzelmo. I don't know
any other answers than the ones I gave.

That I do not believe.
Is this where we send for Hubert
and his rubber shillelagh?
