Remus: Sure as I'm named Remus. An' Jes' cause dese
yer tales 'bout critters like Brer Rabbit, an' Brer Fox...
Remus: Dat don' mean dey ain't de
same like kin happen to folks...
Remus: So dem what can't learn from a tale 'bout critters,
jes' ain't got dey ears tuned fer lis'nin.
Remus: Like as not dey too busy goin' along
all mixt up wid dey own troubles, uh...
Remus: Like de time dat Miss Sally an' Mister John
was comin' down to de plantation.
Johnny: Mama?
Sally: Yes Johnny?
Johnny: Why are we going to Grandma's?
Sally: Well -- I told you dear, for a visit.
Johnny: Why don't she come to see us,
like she did last spring?
Sally: Well, Because it -- I thought
you'd enjoy seeing the plantation.
Johnny: Is Grandma mad at us?
Sally: But of course not, Johnny.
What ever gave you that idea?
Johnny: Well, Georgie says everybody's mad
at what Daddy writes in the newspaper.
Johnny: Don't Grandma read the newspaper?
Don't she?
John: She does. And she likes what's in it.
Sally: John, please.
Johnny: Are you mad at each other too?
Sally: Why no, dear. Of course not.
Tempy: Gracious goodness, Johnny... We's almost dar!
Tempy: You ain't never heer'd no
frogs like dem in Atlanta.
John: You know what they're saying?
John: Knee-deep! Knee-deep!
Johnny: Honest?
John: Honest.
Johnny: Knee-deep! Knee-deep!
John: You know, when I was your age,
I used to catch lots of 'em.
John: I remember one time I - ah - hid a whole box of
'em over in your grandma's milk house
John: And they got loose.
Tempy: Yes, an' I 'members what
you got for doin' it too.
John: Well, it was old Uncle Remus' fault, you know.
He told me that story about Brer Frog.