Chorus: That's what Uncle Remus said,
Chorus: Listen now to what I say.
That's how the critters got that way.
Solo: The leopard's pappy got the gout
from eatin' too much speckle trout.
Solo: His mammy dreamed of polka dots.
Chorus: That's how the leopard got his spots.
Chorus: That's what Uncle Remus said,
That's what Uncle Remus said.
Chorus: Speckle trout and polka dots.
Solo: That's how the leopard got his spots
Chorus: More, more, tell us more.
Solo: The camel crossed the desert sands,
Solo: with all them mighty caravans.
His bed was full of sandy lumps,
Solo: That's how the camel got those humps.
Chorus: That's what Uncle Remus said,
that's what Uncle Remus said.
Chorus: Sandy bed was full of lumps...
Solo: That's how the camel got those humps.
Chorus: More, more, tell us more.
Solo: The pig he saw his monkey friend,
Solo: A swinging by his other end.
He tried the same thing on a rail.
Solo: That's how the pig got a curly tail.
Remus: Yes sir, dat's de way wid Brer Rabbit --
sho's I'm named Remus.
Remus: 'Bout de time he git it stuck in his mind
dat dey ain't nobody kin out-do 'im,
Remus: Up somebody'd jump an do him scan'lous.
Remus: What you laughin' 'bout?
sez Brer Fox, sez he.
Remus: An' Brer Rabbit, he couldn't say nothin'.
Well den, sez Brer Fox, sez he...
Remus: I'll settle yo' hash right now.
And wid dat he grab Brer Rabbit
Remus: by de tail and made fo' to dash 'im
agin' de groun'. But jes' den,
Remus: Brer Rabbit's tail snap off real short,
an' he tuck thru the cotton patch
Remus: like de dogs was after 'im.
An' from dat day to dis,
Remus: de only tail dat Brer Rabbit's got to his name
was a lil' ol' ball o' cotton.