Pearl: An' what happen to Brer Fox, Uncle Remus?
Remus: (Chuckles) T'won't do to put too
much cloth for to cut one pair of pants.
Toby: Uncle Remus, you tells the bes' tales in
de whole United States o' Georgia!
Remus: Lawzy child, you should o' heard me
tell 'em when I could tell 'em.
Remus: I boun' you'd a-busted de
buttons off'n yo' what-cher macollums.
Remus: When Miss Sally was yo' age, she useda
sit jes' as you's a settin' right now
Remus: an' laugh 'til she could laugh no mo'.
Chloe: Uncle Remus! Uncle Remus!
Lawzy mursy, have you seen Johnny?
Chloe: Po' Miss Sally -- She been lookin'
high and low for dat child!
Tempy: You sho' he ain't been down here
lis'nin to one 'o yo' tales?
Toby: Co'se he ain't! Wouldn't I a-seed 'im?
Chloe: How come you let dat boy git out o' yo sight?
Didn't Miss Doshy tell you to take care 'o him?
Tempe: Come on Chloe! Us got to find him befo'
Miss Sally go outer her min'.
Remus: Miss Tempy...
You tell Miss Sally de boy's wid me.
Tempy: What do you mean -- he wid you?
Remus: Nem-mine. You jes' tell her what I sez.
Tempy: Come on Toby, git yo'se'f on.