Remus: new mess o' bran' new troubles.
Rabbit: Zip-a-dee-do-da, zip-a-dee...
Remus: Fust news he knows... dar he dangled',
'twixt de heavens and de earth...
Remus: Fust he scared he goin' fall,
den he scared he ain't goin' fall...
Remus: He yanked and he pulled and he
heaved and he hauled. But warn't no use.
Remus: He knows somebody caught him
all right, an' he sorta specks he knows who
Remus: dat somebody is. An' sho' nuff,
up on chickapin hill, where he live...
Remus: Who whould hear de ruckus but
ol' Brer Fox, and when dat ol' scamp see
Remus: he done caught Brer Rabbit, he hollar out...
Fox: I got im'! I gots dat ol' Brer Rabbit!
Fox: I sho' is got 'im! Heh heh! I got dat' ol'
rabbit dis time fo' sho'. Heh heh heh!
Remus: And wid dat, he grab up his axe and
make ready for to settle Brer Rabbit's hash, right now.
Remus: Now, Brer Rabbit, bein' little and
without much strength, he's supposed to use his
Remus: head, 'stead o' his foots, and that
sackly what he starting to do, when he hear ole
Remus: Brer Bear come ambling down de road.
Bear: Zip-a-de-do-da, zip-a-de-ay,
Zip-da-da-da-da, wonderful day. Zip-a-da-de-da...
Rabbit: Er...ah, howdy, Brer Bear. How do you do!
Bear: Dah-dah-dah-dah. Who.. ah.. where... uh...
Rabbit: How you come on?
Bear: Wha.. ah.. oh.. ah.. What you doin up dar?