Remus: An' I plum forgot de time.
Sally: Well, I don't mind your telling him stories, Uncle Remus.
Sally: But you know perfectly well,
it's too late for him to be up.
Remus: Yessum. 'Twon't happen again, Miss Sally.
Sally: I'm sure it won't. Well, son, let's
run along upstairs and get ready for bed.
Toby: Miss Doshy, Johnny forget de bundle.
Tempy: Didn't I tell you to run along
home befo' yo' maw takes a stick after you?
Doshy: You and your stories!
Remus: Miss Doshy..
What us gonna do 'bout dat child?
Doshy: I wish I knew. A grandmother
doesn't count for much these days.
Remus: Yassum, it's a pity, too.
What dat child needs is his paw.
Doshy: And that's what his mother needs..
But I'm afraid it's going to take
Doshy: a little while for her to find that out.
Remus: Might cut de time down a piece,
Miss Doshy, if you jes' draps a word.
Doshy: If I want your advice I'll ask for it.
I'm a stubborn old woman Uncle Remus
Remus: Yassum, Miss Doshy,
I knows dat. Well, goodnight.
Doshy: Goodnight.
Remus: You ain't mad wid
me, is you, Miss Doshy?
Doshy: You meddling old rascal!
Of course I'm not mad with you.
Toby: Looka here! I brung you sumpin!
Johnny: Oh, he's beautiful!