Remus: But de tar baby, he don't say nothin'...
Remus: ...an' Brer Fox, he lay low.
Fox: I hope it works... I hope it works!
I sho' hope ... it does ... ha ha!
Remus: Brer Rabbit 'low it's up to him to teach
de stuck-up stranger some manners, an' he say ...
Rabbit: look, if you don't say 'howdy' time
I counts three, i's goin' bus' you wide open!
Remus: But de tar baby
he don't say nothin' an'...
Remus: ... Brer Fox, he lay low.
Fox: Be quiet! Be quiet! Shhh!
Remus: So Brer Rabbit, he start countin'...
Rabbit: One...
Remus: ...but de tar baby, he don't say nothin'...
Remus: ...Brer Fox lay low'
an' chuckle in his stomach.
Rabbit: Two ...
Remus: But still de tar baby don't say nothin'...
Brer Fox, he lay low wid de fidgets.
Rabbit: Two anna half.
Rabbit: Three!
Rabbit: Here! Bu-Bu-Bu-Bu...
Rabbit: ...bu-Bu-Bu- Turn me loose.
Fox: I got 'im, I got 'im, I got 'im.
Rabbit: Turn me loose or
I'll poke you ag'in ... lem-me go!
Remus: Brer Rabbit, he push and he pull, he heaved
and he hauled, he kicked and he screamed, and he blubber
Remus: and he bawled, but the more he
thrash aroun', the wus off he gits, til he so stuck up,
Remus: he can scarcely move his eye-balls.
Fox: Oh! How do you do.
Bear: Yeah, how you come on.
Fox: Bet he wishes he'd never been bawn.
Bear: Brer Fox, you an' me ...
Fox: Well, Brer Rabbit...
Fox: you sho' looks like a spo't,
all stuck up in yo' swaller tail coat!
Fox: Don't he look good in this coat?
I ain't never seen nobody look dat good befo'.
Bear: lem-mm say... bu - le - lem...
Fox: Other folks business you minds de bes'
Bear: Don' say no mo', we see de res'.
Fox: We sho' do -- We don' need nobody --
Bear: What i'se gonna say is a...
Fox: He's a pretty smart feller, the folks all say.
Bear: Yah, he knows a lot a tricks...
Fox: But he forgot 'em today.
He forgot everything, didn't he Brer Bear?