Coming Holmes!
All right Holmes
I'm coming.
I beg your pardon.
I beg yours.
Thank you for your
timely assistance.
Really Watson aren't
you a little stout
for this sort of thing?
Rubbish, ideal weight
for a man of my age.
Ran into an old friend
of mine, Duncan Bleek.
Major of the fourth
Indian regiment.
Major Duncan Bleek this
is Sherlock Holmes.
How do you do sir?
Likewise I've heard
quite a lot about you.
Retired fifteen years ago.
As a matter of fact,
we were reminiscing
about India.
We didn't realize
how late it was.
Stays light so
long these days
we almost missed
the train.
Yes so I've observed.
In here sir.
Thank you.
Doctor would you
care to join me
in a glass of whiskey
and a dash of soda
before dinner?
Well now that's
a good idea.
What's this all
about Holmes?
Did you ever hear of
Lady Margaret Carstairs
famous diamond of the
Star of Rhodesia?
I read something last week
about the old girl
being in London
with a bauble
wasn't it Holmes?
Yes it was.
She's on this train.
That's while we're here
to see that this
bauble as you call it
gets safely back to
its vault at Edinburgh.
Sounds to me...
sounds to me like a
police routine job.
That's where you're
wrong old fellow.
In an attempt to make
away with it from London
was unsuccessful.
A second attempt will,
in all probability,
be made on this train.
What makes you say that?
Well it seems
more than likely
that the people who
planned the first attempt
were not discouraged
by one failure
and will stop and nothing
to insure success
the second time.
Sounds like Lestrade's
cup of tea to me.
He's on this train.
Oh is he?
Giving an excellent
imitation of Isaac Walden.
Pardon gents.
Come in Mr. Holmes.
My friend and colleague,
Doctor Watson.
How do you do?
I thought it better
to engage Mr. Holmes
after what
happened in London.
No doubt you're
an efficient person
but I don't think
there's any need
for a policeman.