I'm afraid I've
got to ask you
one or two questions
what are you doing
on the train?
Where you are going?
Things like that you know?
There's been a
murder committed.
Scotland Yard,
Sherlock Holmes,
Sherlock Holmes and I...
What about
Sherlock Holmes?
We're cross-examining
Of what am I suspected?
Fellows dead.
Murdered you know?
Now let me get
this straight.
You say a murder has been
committed on this train?
Next compartment.
And because a perfect
stranger to me
got himself murdered
you come
to question me?
Well we got to
question everybody.
Are you a policeman?
Then by what right
do you force your way
into my compartment?
Well I...
What are you doing
on this train?
Where are you going?
I'm not going anywhere.
Holmes and I are on the
train to watch the...
I know.
It's a diamond or a pearl
or something of
fabulous value.
This fellows Holmes
is always chasing
after missing jewels
or mysterious females.
What is the
meaning of this?
I'm sorry Ms. Vedder
but it was necessary
for us to search
your compartment.
May I ask what you
expected to find?
A valuable jewel
has been stolen.
And a man has
been murdered.
We're making a
routine search
of the entire carriage
and asking a
few questions.
Go right ahead.
I understand your journey
is rather a sad one.
Your mother...
Perhaps we better not
question Ms. Vedder
just now Lestrade.
Excuse us will you?