Waga seishun ni kuinashi

Don't be angry with Noge.
He's rude to everyone.
He just tells the truth.
If it were you, you'd not say.
Sorry to keep you waiting.
I'm also a follower of
academic freedom.

How can we keep silent now?
No energy to fight if you're Yukiegry.
He's something good.
I like this guy.
If I were a girl, I ought to
be with him.

"United Student Association".
"The truth is academic freedom".
"To protect academic freedom".
"Don't let the friends at Kyoto
University be teased".

"To firmly protect the school".
"Students must be united for
freedom of speech".

"Detest the firm policies of Arts".
"Initiate collapse of prof.-ship".
"Some profs must resign".
"Make use of the name of reborn
to fight against".

"To firmly protect the school".
