- or minus--
- Reverend Mother wishes
to speak to you, Sister Clodagh.
Continue the lesson.
Sister Clodagh,
we may proceed
with our plans at Mopu.
- It will be called Saint Faith.
- Saint Faith.
And you have been appo/nted
to take charge of St. Fa/th.
- I, Reverend Mother ?
- You.
You will be the youngest
sister superior in our order.
Thank you, Reverend Mother.
The agent at Mopu
is an Englishman.
He seems a diffîcult man.
You Won't get
much help from him.
[ Man's Vo/ce ]
Dear Madam, My name /s Dean.
I am the agent
of General Toda Ra/ at Mopu...
and I am wr/t/ng to you
/n that capac/ty.
I understand the general has offered you
the old palace at Mopu...
to make a school and
a d/spensary for the nat/ves.
It's not the f/rst t/me
he's had such /deas.
He's asked me to tell you
about the place and the people.
It's not a comfortable spot,
and /t's at the back of beyond.
F/rst you have to get
to Darjeel/ng,
then I have to f/nd you pon/es
and porters to take you /nto the h/lls.
Mopu /s 8,000 feet up.
The peaks on the range oppos/te
are nearly as h/gh as Everest.
The people call the h/ghest peak
Nanga Dalle.
It means ""the bare goddess. ""
I l/ve down /n the valley,
out of the w/nd.