Black Narcissus

Lad/es! Oh, that w/ll be
l/ke old t/mes!

It will not be in the least
like old times.

They are not
that kind of lady at all.

- Then they won't be any fun.
- They are not coming for fun.

These are nuns.
Do you know what a nun is ?

They kneel and pray all day like
the monks you invited last year.

I'm going to give them this house
to make a school and a hospital
for the people.

You know nobody here
wants a school...

and I'm sure they
don't want a hospital !

[ Toda Ra/ ]
How do they know what they want
unt/l they try ?

The people have
all k/nds of d/seases.

- They have r/ngworm.
- They don't mind having ringworm.

Then they ought to mind.
And it will all be free.

It was free last time,
and nobody came.

They will this time.
Mr. Dean !

You w/ll rece/ve them for me,
and you w/ll do everyth/ng for them
that they want do/ng.

You too. You will
engage servants for them,

and you will both look after them until
they care to look after themselves.

What do they eat ?
How do I know what nuns eat ?

I have remembered that.
Do you see that crate ?
[ Chattering Continues ]
They will eat sausages.

Europeans eat sausages
wherever they go.

They will eat them when they
come and until they can cook
what else they want to eat.

[ Chattering ]
Now remember, Ayah,
if you give any trouble,

you will be sorry.
I'm sorry noW !
