Black Narcissus

On the contrary.
The water's too good.

It's Darjeeling tummy.
I'd better get that plumbing fîxed.

Sister Clodagh !
What has happened, Sister ?
Oh, Sister, Sister,
they brought in a woman.

Our fîrst bad case.
She was covered in blood.

I've never seen such a sight.
She must've cut an artery.

I had such a t/me stopp/ng
the bleed/ng. I've never seen
bleed/ng l/ke that before.

I didn't know what to do at fîrst,
but at last I managed to stop it.

A minute would've fetched Sister Briony
who would've stopped it at once.

What were you doing there ?
I told you to stay in bed.

I was only try/ng
to cons/der you, S/ster Br/ony.

It m/ght have been better
to have cons/dered the woman
who /s bleed/ng to death.

- Shall I wait ?
- We are coming in a moment.

I think you'd better
go back to your room.

Good-bye, Sister.
I hope your patient does well.

Who is she ?
It sounded like ""Samuel,""
but it couldn't be, could it ?

Oh, Samil.
She's a good old soul.

One of my best workers.
I'm very much obliged to you.

Thank you.
[ Sisters Gasp ]
Now the old place
is a proper convent.
