Black Narcissus

Hello, Sister Ruth.
Going for a walk ?

It's time to ring the bell.
You're slipping.
Quarter of an hour early.
Thank you.
I came to ask Mr. Dean
to wait in the blue room.

How did you know he was here ?
I saw him from the schoolroom.
I've brought something for you.
Her name /s Hersempul,
but we call her Kanch/.

She's 1 7, she's an orphan...
and it's high time
she was married.

Every evening when I come home,
I fînd her sitting on my veranda.

She dresses herself up,
puts flowers in her hair.

It's becoming
an absolute nuisance.

If she's clo/stered for a few months,
her uncle w/ll marry her off.

But she's been behav/ng
so badly that no one wants her.

I don't think we want her, either.
Why did you bring her to us ?
Isn't it your business
to save souls ?

You are not to speak to me
like that, Mr. Dean.

Can't she go into
some sort of service ?

She'd set any house by the ears.
I thought no one would have patience
with her, except you.

Would you ask Sister Briony
to come here, please ?
