Black Narcissus

[ Dog Bark/ng ]
[ Man Shout/ng ]
Ayah ! Angu Ayah !

[ Shouts ]
Ayah ! Angu Ayah !
Salom, my little general.
I Want to see
the reverend sisters.

Why are they called
the servants of Mary ?

Is the superior sister
called Mary ?

Ask her.
Here she comes.

Go noW.
I will speak to her alone.

- Good morning.
- Good morning.

- I want to see the superior sister.
- I am the sister superior.

Oh. I want to be
a student here with you.

I want to study
a lot of learning.

I want to study mathematics,
history, poetry and languages.

I have a note from my uncle
to ask you to encourage me.

I'm very sorry.
We only teach children and young girls.

- Why ?
- Convents don't teach men pupils.

That's not very polite to men.
We don't mean it that way.
It's the custom.

Convents are for girls.
The brotherhoods are for men.
