You may have trouble
with Kanchi.
- Kanchi ? She'd never dare.
- [ Monks Chanting ]
After all, he is a prince,
and she is what she is.
Still, I expect she knows the story
of the prince and the beggar maid.
We're at 40, 41 , 42,
43, 44, 45, 46,
4 7, 48, 49--
When the general
gave us the deeds,
our boundary line was to be
500 yards around the building.
- So the holy man
is living on our ground.
- He was here fîrst.
Yes, but, Mr. Dean, I fînd
all these things very distracting.
- Distracting ?
- Yes, disturbing.
This clear air,
and the wind always blowing.
And the mountain, and the holy man
sitting there day in, day out.
And the people
coming to see him.
They climb the path
by the house,
and they stop and sit
and stare at us.
- What do you want to do ?
- Ask the general to ask
the holy man to move.
- It wouldn't be polite.
- I don't suppose the general
even knows he's there.
Oh, yes he does. That old man
worries him quite a bit,
particularly when he's
in the middle of his dinner...
or when he's trying on
a new coat from London.
- Why ?
- I suppose he feels
he ought to do likewise.
And he wouldn't turn h/m out ?
It'd be a bit awkward for the general
to turn out his own uncle.
His uncle ?
General Sir Krishna Rai,
He has several
foreign decorations too.
He lent our general
the money to buy this place.
I've never heard h/m talk.
They say he speaks perfect Engl/sh.
Several other
European languages too.
Does he never speak at all ?
I've never heard him.
When does he eat or sleep ?
No one knows. He's always
in his place under the tree.
People come miles to see him.