Black Narcissus

[ Quiet Chattering ]
[ Sniffîng ]
Do you like it, Sister Ruth ?
It's called Black Narcissus.

Comes from the army/ navy stores
in London.

Black Narcissus.
I don't like scent at all.

Oh, Sister, don't you think it's
rather common to smell of ourselves ?

-Have you seen the young general today ?
- What's the latest ?

Beautiful emeralds.
The most beautiful green I've ever seen.

At that hour of the morn/ng,
they make me b/l/ous.

Have you seen his coats ?
He must have a different one
for every day of the year.

Lucky he doesn't
do his own laundry.

Yesterday he had a coat the color
of ripe corn, patterned with flowers.

His earrings were amethysts
three inches long,

and h/s r/ngs were turquo/se.
Today he's all jade and emeralds,
and h/s coat /s the most wonderful
pattern of pale v/olet str/pes,

just l/ke my grandmother's

Oh, Granny !
Turn around.
These emeralds are for you,
my darling, when you marry.
