Black Narcissus

I quite agree.
If you have a spark
of decency left in you,

you won't come near us again !
No, I won't be a nun
No, I cannot be a nun
For I am so fond of pleasure
I cannot be a nun
[ Laugh/ng ]
Happy Chr/stmas!
I do like his voice.
It's so nice and loud.
I think it's lovely, don't you ?
Good n/ght, General.
Good night, Sister Clodagh.
- [ Knock At Door ]
- Come in.

I want to talk to you.
Come and sit down.

I've been worried about you
for some time.

I feel that things
are not right with you.

In what way ?
You look so /ll, and
you've got so terr/bly th/n.

I know that you're try/ng
to keep up for all our sakes,

but I feel that you must go in
with Sister Briony and see the doctor.

I shan't see the doctor !
I'm perfectly well and right !

You're just trying
to make out that--
