- Forget-me-not.
- Forget-me-not.
- SWeet pea.
- Sweet pea.
- Daffod/l.
- Daffodil.
Japanese peony.
Japanese peony.
Ch/nese l/ly.
Ch/nese l/ly.
- Honeysuckle.
- Honeysuckle.
- Sister Honey !
- Delphinium.
Will you fînd Sister Philippa
for me, please ?
- And the cabbage patch ?
- Foxgloves.
- And the runner beans ?
- Honeysuckle.
- And the onions ?
- Tulips.
And the potatoes ?
All flowers ?
No, not the little round bed.
And there's more vegetables...
down by the stables
where they won't show.
But what on earth
came over you--
Would you like to sit down ?
Sister, I want
to be transferred.
Transferred ?
Yes, I want you to write
and ask for my transfer at once.
If you will, at once.
But why ?