I'm sorry, Sister Ruth.
Very sorry, but--
Look, let me take you
back to the palace.
It /sn't too late. S/ster Clodagh
/s your fr/end. She wants to help you.
She hates me.
They all hate me.
- You're the only one
that's ever been kind to me.
- I've hardly spoken to you.
Yes, you have. When I stopped
the old woman from bleeding to death,
- you said you were grateful.
- Did I ?
And then when you stopped me
that day in the hall--
Oh, whatever I said, it didn't
mean a thing ! You've all gone crazy.
Well, drive one another crazy,
but leave me out of it !
- Are you going to Darjeeling or not ?
- No !
- Then you must go back to the palace.
- No.
You'll go back
if I have to carry you back.
Go and talk to Sister Clodagh. She
brought you here. She can get you back.
Sister Clodagh !
Sister Clodagh !
- Do you know what she says about you ?
- Whatever she said, it was true !
- You love her !
- I don't love anyone !
Clodagh ! Clodagh !
Clodagh ! Clodagh !
Clodagh ! Clodagh !
[ Crashes ]
Feel better now ?
All right, I'll go.
That's a good girl.
Try and get some sleep.
In the morn/ng you'll wake up...
and be sorry you made
such a fool of yourself.
- Come on, I'll come w/th you.
- I'll go alone.
- You'll do nothing of the sort.
- I'll go alone or not at all.
Suit yourself.