This guy your sister's marrying,
this Grover, he's rich, isn't he?
Very. He's the Grover Steel Company.
- Why?
- Oh, just curious.
That's how it ought to be, somebody
with money marrying somebody without.
Sort of evens things up.
- You've never been married, have you?
- No.
- Why not?
- Oh, I don't know, I...
You've had plenty of offers.
Well, l... What makes you think
I've been besieged with offers?
Well, that's simple. You've got
everything a man would want.
You're young, warm, pretty.
You could really love a man.
- I'm sorry.
- Why are you nervous?
- You've heard all this before.
- I'm not nervous.
Well, as a matter of fact,
it's a little bit disconcerting...
...to have someone you scarcely know
be quite so frank.
Why? Is it wrong to come out
with what's in your head?
No, it's not wrong, it's...
- It's just that I'm not used to it, that's all.
- We'll have to change all that.
Because there's a lot more in my head
I wanna tell you.
Would you call my face pretty?
- Did he?
- Who?
- Don't be coy.
- He's a very attractive guy, isn't he?
And different too.
You know, I've never met
anyone like him before.
- When are you seeing him again?
- Lunch, tomorrow.
- What does he do? Do you know?
- No.