Born to Kill

- Don't argue!
- You won.

- How's the search coming along?
- That's what I'm gonna find out.

- Shut that, will you? Cold's eating into me.
- Pleasure, pleasure.

Well, did you ever get around
to playing cards with Virginia?

- Virginia?
- I thought so.

You're no Casanova with women.
Those were all lies you fed me.

You're a poor substitute for Laury.
- Are you calling me a liar?
- Yes. You're a liar, all right.

And you are a cheat.
What makes you say that?
- Can I help you?
- Yes.

Well, the 10 of diamonds
we were looking for.

Why, sure enough. Yes.
- See who it is.
- Yeah.

Oh, it's you. That's all.
Take you on tomorrow,
and I'll beat you again.

Yeah, in a pig's eye.
Quite a delightful surprise,
your coming to San Francisco.

But a needless trip, if I may say so.
May I help you?

I've got nothing to keep me in Reno.
And I wanted to be on the spot
when you caught the skunk.

Now, Mrs. Kraft, I didn't say
he was here.

- What made you come here, then?
- Look, a certain young man came here.

This young man I remembered seeing
outside Mrs. Palmer's house...

:58:19 police headquarters, at the funeral
parlor where Mrs. Palmer was laid out.

Poor Laury. I hope she's in heaven now.
Although I don't know as Laury
would have much fun up there.

Go on, this man you saw
at the funeral parlor, is he the one?

No. But he gave me a lead.
What good's a lead? It's high time
you found out something.

Mrs. Kraft...
:58:44 a few days, either my suspicions
will be verified...

...and we will have our quarry...
...or I will have failed you.
Which will be exceedingly painful
to a man of my integrity.

It won't hurt half as much as me
to lose my $500.

Speaking of money,
I have a little expense account...
