Okay, deal.
Sergeant Keeley.
Sorry to break up your little
Saturday-night game, sergeant.
Where's Mitchell?
- Who's he supposed to have killed?
- Sit down, sergeant. We'll talk about it.
- When did you see Mitchell last?
- This afternoon, 2:00.
- Where was he going?
- Crawling.
- Where?
- Nowhere.
Soldiers don't have anywhere to go
unless you tell them.
When they're off duty, they go crawling,
or they go crazy.
- What did you do before the Army?
- What's that got to do with it?
It might help me understand
your answers.
I worked on newspapers.
- What kind of a job you got now?
- Ink job.
Purple ink. Instead of the Purple Heart,
we get purple ink.
- Mitchell too?
- Signs.
He's an artist. He used to do
cows eating grass.
He's branched out now. He does signs.
"Keep This Washroom Clean."
- You think he killed anybody, you're crazy.
- Why?
- He's not the type.
- Everybody's the type.
- He couldn't kill anybody.
- Could you?
- I have.
- Where?
Where you get medals for it.
I see.
And this Mitchell boy
couldn't do that either?
Tell me about this afternoon
when he left.
- Nothing to tell. He left.
- What did you talk to Mrs. Mitchell about?
According to the hotel, you called Chicago
this afternoon at 2:30...
...and talked to a Mrs. Mitchell.
His mother?
His wife.
- Well?
- It was personal. It wouldn't interest you.
Nothing interests me anymore.
Used to, but not anymore.
I've been at this job too long.
I go about it the only way I know how.
I collect all the facts possible.
Most of them are useless.
What did you call Mrs. Mitchell about?