I'm too restless.
I don't know what I wanna do.
- You gonna wait for her?
- I don't know.
Well, wait for her if you want to.
Soon as we've had some coffee,
I'm gonna take a nap.
Got any cigarettes?
I remembered what you said
when I left you, Keeley.
You said, "Meet me at the hotel
at midnight. " I said, "Why?"
You said, "Meet me. I wanna show you
Washington. It's educational.
Maybe you'll learn something.
Meet me, or I'll murder you. "
Suddenly, the whole thing was screwy.
I decided to get out of there.
I went straight to the hotel, and next thing
I knew, you were pushing me around.
How long was it from the time you left
Samuels' till the time you met this Ginny?
- I don't know...
- How long were you in her apartment?
- Well, l...
- Oh, you ought to be kept in a cage.
What's happening? Is everything
suddenly gone crazy?
I don't mean just this.
I mean everything. Or is it just me?
Oh, it's not just you.
The snakes are loose.
Anybody can get them.
I get them myself,
but they're friends of mine.
- I think Samuels understood it.
- That's a big help.
Are you still in love with your wife or not?
I guess I am.
- She still in love with you?
- That's a screwy thing to ask.
Maybe it is, but she's here now.
Or she should be.
- I gotta figure out how much to tell her.
- Mary?
Oh, she doesn't know anything.
She was coming here anyway.
- Why?
- To see you.