Dark Passage

-l see you like swing music.
-Yes, legitimate swing.

l wanted you to see this.
lt was printed in the Record
at the time of your trial.

''Letters to the Editor.''
''l think it's time someone spoke up
on behalf of Vincent Parry.

''The prosecution daily steers away
from the facts of the case...

''makes every effort to picture Parry
as an unfaithful husband, a vicious killer.

''l know nothing
of Parry's marital difficulties...

''or the finality of the evidence of murder...
''but l do know he is being
treated shamefully in the papers.

''l don't know this man, but l, for one,
protest your scandal-sheet tactics.''

Signed, lrene Jansen.
Why, that's you.
-Why did you write this?
-l suspected you were getting a raw deal.

When l get excited about something,
l give it everything l have.

l'm funny that way.
But this is no good for you,
and it's certainly no good for me.

The police will be busy
while l'm doing nothing.

But you have a little time, Vincent.
-lt's Bob.
-Hello, Bob.

-Like to have dinner?
-l'm sorry, not tonight.

Got a date?
Not a date.
l just want to finish some sketches.

-s+omebody there to help?
-No, just alone.

You're making me jealous. l'll bet--
Don't talk like that, Bob. lt's not true.
Call me tomorrow night, about 7:00.

l'm getting out. That phone call did it.
But l didn't want to see him, anyway.
There'll be times you will,
and l'll be in the way.

-l'm going.
-Wait until tonight, please.

You can't go out dressed like that.
Let me get you some good clothes.

The police won't look so closely
at a well-dressed man.

Now, what size suit?
Forty, l guess.
-Fifteen and a half, 34 sleeve.
