Have your friend tie your hands
to the bed so you can't turn over.
Got that straight?
You can get up now.
l took your coat off to get at that skin.
You can roll down your sleeves.
Maybe you did it, maybe you didn't.
Sam says you didn't kill her...
and l've known Sam a long time.
l've got a lot of faith in Sam.
That's why l took this job.
lf l had thought
you were a professional killer...
l wouldn't have any part of it.
But the way it is now, is this:
You'll look older,
but you'll always feel 10 years younger.
And you're through with me
and l'm through with you.
The artist in me wishes l could see
what a nice job l've done.
But l never will.
Goodbye, and good luck.
-So long, Walt.
-So long, Sam.
l didn't do this on a cash basis.
Okay, friend. l'll save you using your face
to talk me into it.
From here on in it's like this:
You don't know me,
l don't know you or who fixed your face.
How does that sound?
Thanks for the tip, friend.