If you want to get up later,
your robe's over there.
Brought you some liquid brunch.
Not very attractive, but there's
not much you can do with liquids.
If you want to read something,
here's the paper.
It says that your fingerprints were
on the trumpet that smashed his head in.
The police say there were no other
fingerprints but yours and the dead man's.
And what about this?
''The police believe Parry demanded aid
which Fellsinger refused.
''The murder victim was found dead
near the telephone.''
Did you do it?
Who could have done it?
You were there last night?
But you wrote nothing on the pad
this morning about visiting him.
Is there anything else you didn't tell me?
I know there's something else.
The more you tell me,
the more I can help you.
But I can't force you to tell me.
I only ask if it's important.
I have to report to the settlement house.
I teach kids how to draw,
four days a week.
I'll be back at about 6:00,
and we can have dinner then.