Been there two days.
Send morgue wagon.
- Car 42 reporting. Got it?
- Okay, 42. Got it.
Two days ago. That'd be the night
Johnny was to call me. Maybe he...?
I was getting desperate,
but it might be a lead.
There was one place in town
where I could find out for sure.
- Could I take a look in your icebox?
- Somebody special?
Missing Persons
thought I ought to look.
- Who's missing?
- What's it to you?
- Homicide Squad.
- Lieutenant Kincaid.
- I thought you was a morgue buff.
- Buff?
A nut like those guys
that chase fires.
I didn't know Homicide men
hung out in the morgue.
- Where you from?
- Out of town.
- Frisco.
- How did you know?
The accent. I can spot any accent.
What's the name?
Charlie Wilson. Met him on the train.
I thought I talked him out of suicide.
He didn't show for dinner.
No word since.
- Yeah? I meant your name.
- I gave all that to Missing Persons.
Okay, mister. Okay.
I'll handle this, Willie.
Thanks, Willie.
- Fished this one out of the Gulf.
- Pass.
- Hit and run.
- No, he's too old.
- What'd he look like?
- Medium.
- Medium what?
- Medium young, medium height.
- Medium weight.
- Very illuminating.
You can call him medium, what's left
of him. Barracuda got the rest.
That's the lot.
- All the rest empty?
- Yeah.