Dead Reckoning

Are you kidding?
That's an idea.
The newspaper boys will go for that.

Kincaid would check
with Missing Persons...

... and find out I'd never been there
but I wasn't worrying about that.

I was thinking, now I won't have
to say goodbye to Johnny.

I remembered him in Berlin.
The crazy song he always sang.

I used to say,
"You drive me nuts with it." Yeah.

Why, I used to say to him...
Let's just say I remembered Johnny,
laughing, tough and lonesome.

Let's just say that.
But I knew all at once I had a job.

They don't give out the Congressional
Medal to guys wanted for murder...

... but he was gonna get it.
I was going after whoever
tried to gyp him out of it.

Why should anybody kill Johnny?
Because he hadn't shot Chandler
and maybe knew who did?

There was a photo in
the Gulf City Statesman.

Louis Ord,
a waiter at the Sanctuary Club.

He was a witness at
the Chandler inquest.

Maybe he wouldn't help,
but you gotta start somewhere.

And he'd be fine. Mr. Louis Ord
would be fine, just dandy.

I felt like a fight, Father.
I felt like a fight.
