I think we'd better sit down.
Her whole body had gone soft
when I slugged her with it.
But I kept thinking,
she has to know something.
Take a couple of deep drags.
I won't do that again. Tell me
what happened. Please, I promise...
You're not feeling ill, Mrs. Chandler?
No, I feel fine, thanks.
It isn't often we have the pleasure
of seeing Mrs. Chandler dance.
Mr. Murdock, this is Mr. Martinelli,
who owns all this.
Mr. Murdock's an old friend.
Any friend of Mrs. Chandler's
is welcome.
I'm afraid I don't sing.
Perhaps you'd like
to try a little roulette.
It's not wise to tell you, but the
house is having a streak of bad luck.
Mrs. Chandler doesn't feel
like gambling.
Oh, I'm all right, really I am.
I'd like to.
You too, sir?
I'll just watch. Roulette wheels
have a way of running over me.
I was walking into something.
We were going to gamble, win or lose.
He hadn't asked her to, he'd told her
she had to. It was an order, but why?
I didn't like the feeling
I had about her.
The way I wanted
to put my hand on her arm.
The way I kept smelling
that jasmine in her hair.
The way I kept hearing
that song she'd sung.