Dead Reckoning

In what business were you, may I ask?
I owned taxicabs,
but they got sunk at Pearl Harbor.

- Then you know Al Baretto?
- You know Al? Were you in St. Louis?

Many times, although
my headquarters were in Detroit.

I thought Al's Detroit
friends were all mobsters.

Where's Mike?
He mixed them, sir, but he got busy,
so I brought them up.

- Ramos gin fizz, madam.
- Thank you.

Our very best, sir.
Mr. Martinelli's private stock.

- Louis!
- Coming, sir.

I got it all right.
Something in the drink.

Also my private stock. That's all.
To the beauties of St. Louis.
- You disapprove of the toast?
- I'm thinking of a better one.

If I didn't drink, he might fall in
on Louis for tipping me off.

And if I did... But I kept remembering,
Louis had been Johnny's friend.

Maybe his only friend.
I needed Louis alive.

We await your pleasure.
A lovely word, with the added charm
for me of being meaningless.

- A St. Louis expression?
- No. Just one I picked up.

Your expressions have
the Baretto flavour, almost medieval.

Mobster, as applied to me,
is more colourful than accurate.
