I've always had a preference
for legitimate enterprises.
With a gambling racket on the side.
Scarcely a racket, Mr. Murdock.
More for my own amusement
than for profit, as you know.
Gambling is illegal, to be sure...
...but the city is aware of it
and approves.
My house encourages tourists,
pays large taxes...
Coming out of it was like
after being tapped on the button.
Everything foggy, an anchor
on my head and ringing in my ears.
Rip, this is Coral, Dusty.
What happened?
I don't know. Don't you know?
I just woke up in my garage.
That's a great place to wake up.
Mr. Martinelli is a fine...
Remind me to put him
to sleep sometime.
My head's splitting.
Look in your bag.
See if you've got your money.
Just a minute.
- Murder.
- What'd you say?
I said murder. I just sat up.
- The money's all here, Rip.
- It is?
Then I can't understand
why he slugged us both.
- What's your phone number, Dusty?
- Surf 3181.
I'll call you back.
I've got company.