Dead Reckoning

Come on, Casey.
If my laundry is picked up,
when can I expect it back? Wednesday?

When does the laundry pick it up?
What time?

Send the boy up at 8. While you're
on the wire, get me Surf 3181.

Yeah, thanks.
Hello, Dusty. Yeah.
Yeah, my company's gone.
I'm alone, I think.

What did the world look like
when you first opened your eyes?

Head like a balloon, huh?
With what? Oh, yeah.

What kind of a taste do you have?
Sour molasses?

Maybe it was DDT. I don't know,
I never drank any before.

How's your stomach feel?
Am I checking up on you? Of course.

I forgot to tell you, I don't trust
anybody, especially women.

Look, I got a job for us.
What time is the top rush hour
for lunch in this hotel?

Park your car in the garage at 1:00
and meet me in the lobby. Got it?

All right, see you then.
How soon can you get me
Operator 19, St. Louis?

That's my girl.
Hi, Al. This is Rip.
Sure, I'm great.

Did you get my phone message
this morning?
