- I want you to.
- We'd better get back to town.
I couldn't stand there looking
at her. I had to keep moving.
Her story about Johnny sounded real.
I'd buy it, on approval,
as the dolls say.
Only maybe I was buying a lot more
than that, and didn't know it.
McGee, 25 Palmetto Street.
It was a nice little house.
McGee, 25 Palmetto Street.
It was a nice little house.
He'd probably paid 4 or 5000 for it,
before houses went up.
From all I hear, it would
probably bring 15 G's by now.
And here was this guy, McGee,
all nicely reformed.
Chances are,
it's the first house he ever lived in.
When this is over, go see him, Father.
You two would get along.
But I had something else
on my mind right then.
- What'll it be?
- Phone company, checking calls.
Did you get one from St. Louis
a little while ago?
- Hiya, Murdock?
- Okay, McGee.
Step right in.
Oh, McGee, this is Mike.
Hiya, Mike?
I'm fine now.
- What a nice place you've got.
- It's messed up right now.
Joe, that's my kid, he brought
this junk back from Japan.
Joe took this off a Nip colonel.
Ain't it a pip?
Almost cut your head off, didn't I?
Joe says these are new.
- Those are German.
- That's what Joe said. How'd you know?
I'd turn them into Army ordnance.
Start coughing too hard...
...there'll be nothing left
but the gold in your teeth.