You know, pre-war army.
"Stand to attention when you address
an officer. "All that sort of thing.
Anyhow, we'd planned to escape,
and this was the night.
This was it.
Wasn't much of a plan.
Odds against it coming off...
were about
a thousand to one.
We'd chosen this particular
night to escape...
because Hitler was going
to broadcast from Munich...
and a pretty safe bet his laddie boys
downstairs would listen in.
J didn't know about Byrd,
but personally J was scared stiff.
I don't know about you,
but personally I'm in an absolute sweat.
Positively trickling, sir.
Well, here we go.
- Let's hope only one comes up.
- More than one, we're sunk.
Sieg heil! Sieg heil!
- Sieg heil!
- Why doesn't somebody throw him a fish?
Sieg heil!
- Wir mussten-
- Heil Hitler!
... in der minoritaet belieben
wir die wertvollsten...
- elemente des kampfes
und des opfersinns...
- In der nation mobilisierten die,
die zu allen zeiten nicht...
- Ah! That dog! Why doesn't somebody-
- shh!
Die minderheit ausgemacht haben.
Ja. Ja.
Weil dieser beste rassenwert-
They're coming, sir.
... mutig und kuehn die
fuehrung des reiches-
Pfeiffer, see what's the matter
with that dog! Pfeiffer!
...groesserer zahl dieser fuehrung...
angeschlossen und unterstellt.
I say, look!
There's something frightfully wrong!
- J saw him put something
in his mouth. Then he-
- What was it?
- He said it was an aspirin.
- Aspirin! Where would he get aspirin?
And then he had a sort of fit.
His heart's hardly beating!
You're a stupid English swine!
If he's taken poison,
if he's dead, I'll-