Wer sich als traeger seines
besten blutes fuehit...
und dieses wissen zur fuehrung
der nation erhoben hat...
und entschlossen ist diese
fuehrung zu behalten.
Wahrzunehmen und nicht-
Where is Obersturmfuehrer Zweig?
He's upstairs.
He told me to go see about that dog.
You imbecile!
Get back up there!
All right, you blighters!
Take off the uniform.
Tie him up.
I say, old boy.
You can't do that, you know.
Von ihnen wird mehr gefordert als von-
- Get on with it, man!
- Sorry.
- Hurry up!
...den millionen der
uebrigen volksgenossen.
We stole Hoff's car,
a big, black brute of a Mercedes...
and heading for Stuttgart,
drove all night.
One thought cheered us.
They couldn't broadcast a general
alarm for two Englishmen...
without tipping off
the British embassy.
Jt would have to be
a private manhunt.
However, sooner or later,
we knew we'd have to scupper the car.
So shortly after dawn-
- Well, here's where we separate.
- Right, sir.
Now listen carefully. First thing
you must do is get rid of that uniform.
Get some other clothes. You'll probably
have to steal them, understand?
- Perfectly.
- Then make your way to Esbach,
near Freiburg.
Esbach, remember.
And J'll join you there.
Now here's the thing.
Whoever gets to Esbach first...
marks the road signpost
to Freiburg with three dots...
and then waits for the other.
Is that clear?
Quite. Three dots
on the signpost to Freiburg.
Yes. Then we'll carry on
from where we left off.
- Contact Professor Krosigk.
- Yes. How about money?