Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Your friend not come, huh?
No. He was supposed to mark
this signpost with three dots.
He probably had to walk.
I made much better time.
We'll have to find
a place to camp around here.
- But if your friend not come?
- Then I'll have to do it alone.
- Do what alone, liebling?
- Oh, meet a man. Talk to him.
That man, he live far?
A few miles from here. We'll have to find
a place to camp. I'm starving.
- There's old fish only.
- Oh, no, Lydia. Not fish. Not again.
You would not stop
in village, buy meat.
Oh. Look, you get the wagon
off the road and pitch camp.
I'll be back.
You will not go
in village alone.
I'm not going to the village.
You just get a fire started.