Golden Earrings

Come on.
- Liebling?
- Yes?

When you meet him,
you make your big, beautiful smile.

You say loud like this,
jo napot, brother!

- Say loudly to whom?
- Zoltan.

Who the devil is Zoltan?
- Zoltan?
- Yes?

He's brother of
my second husband.

- Ah, the one who, uh?
- Yes, liebling.

You see this coat...
this beautiful coat?
Well, I was wise woman of the tribe.
Very important. I am seventh daughter
of seventh daughter.

Let us stick
with Zoltan, shall we?

Yes, liebling.
Zoltan is chief of tribe...

and with me wise woman,

- Naturally what?
- Nothing, liebling.
That what make him mad.

- So I hit him with shovel in the head and-
- Well, go on.

And while his senses are knocked out
still a little I went away.

But first, I steal his coat for you.
Don't be silly.
You never even knew I existed!

Oh, yes, Nivashi tell me.
That is why I take coat.

- On you it is wonderful.
- I don't want the coat.
He can have the beastly thing back!

- Liebling, you do not understand.
- What don't I understand?

If Zoltan see on you his beautiful coat,
he want to fight you for it.

And if he win, well-
- I go with coat.
- Don't worry.

I have much more important
things to fight over than you and a coat.

Come on.
