Liebling. Liebling!
We beat him!
We beat him!
# Szol a kakas mar #
# Majd megvirrad mar #
# Ha az isten nekem rendelt #
# Enyem leszel mar #
# Varj madar varj #
Look at our gadze.
Like real gypsy he becoming.
With fingers he eats.
- Fingers were made before forks.
- Likewise gypsies.
Ah, gadzes
I cannot understand.
Such a strange people.
I hear that every day
they wash. Is true?
Ohhh, not good.
Washing very dangerous.
When they put my father
in Hungarian army...
every day they made
poor fellow wash.
He died young,
before he was even 60.
- Did he really?
- Uh-huh.
# Micsoda madar #
# Micsoda madar #
# Kek a laba
zold a scarrya #
# Engem oda var #