and fills you full of bad dope
about the setup,
but some cases,
like this one,
kind of creep up on you
on their hands and knees,
and the first thing you know,
you're in it up to your neck.
You'll see it
just as i saw it.
You'll meet the people.
You'll find the clues.
And maybe you'll solve it quick,
and maybe you won't.
You think you will, eh?
Ok. You're smart,
but let me give you a tip.
You've got to watch them.
You've got to watch them
all the time
because things happen
when you least expect them.
"Kingsby publications,
room 950, meadson building."
Signed, "a. Fromsett."
Woman: 3 days
before christmas,
and i haven't done
a bit of shopping yet.
Second woman: Well,
you'd better hurry up.
I'm phillip marlowe.
I got a letter
asking me to come up here about a story.
A mr. Marlowe
to see you.
You may go in.
No, dick, it won't do.
Not enough gore, not nearly enough gore.
Well, that's
because you don't see it in color.
Color or no color,
there's not enough blood.
Take it out
and put more blood in.
As soon as you finish,
let me see it again.